Bee Break-Ins: How Are Bees Getting In My House?

How Are Bees Getting In My House?

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Are you asking yourself how are bees getting into my house? Is your home turning into something that resembles a bee hive but you can’t figure out where infestation is coming from? You’re not alone. Millions of homeowners have faced the same situation but there are ways to find out where the bees are coming from and get rid of them.

Most of the time, bees will get into your house accidentally. They’ll be flying around looking for a place to nest and may come in through an open door or window, unable to find their way back out. In some cases, a queen bumblebee might enter the home in search of a place to overwinter.

But don’t worry, if your home has been taken over by bees, all is not lost. I’ve got some great tips to prevent bees from getting into the house as well as some advice on getting them out.

How Do Bees Get Into The House?

One of the most common ways that bees get into the house is when you leave the doors and windows open. They don’t typically enter the home on purpose and, in most cases, it’s totally accidental and the bee will be just as keen to get back outside as you are to kick her out.

However, there may be times when queen bumble bees are looking for a place to nest and it’s common for them to come into the home looking for cavities and dark spots that are suitable for raising their brood. Again, they don’t really want to nest in your house but from outside, the house looks dark. It’s only when the bee gets in that she realizes it’s pretty light and definitely not an ideal nesting spot.

Vents are another common method of entry for bees and you’ll usually have the most problems in places like the bathroom or the kitchen. It’s also worth mentioning that our buzzing friends can get in through any gaps in your fascia boards so make sure that any holes are quickly repaired. If not, bees will gain access to your attic and they may also enter via the chimney.

A lot of people think that, because bees are quite small, they won’t be able to get through tiny holes. But this is a common misconception. In fact, even larger bees can squeeze through a gap that’s no bigger than a quarter of an inch so be sure to check for little holes and fix them as soon as possible.

As I have mentioned, once inside, bees will quickly come to the realization that your house isn’t what they thought it to be and they’ll look for ways to get back out. They’ll usually look for sources of light which is why you typically see them buzzing around the windows and skylights.

Are Bees A Danger To Me?

There are around 20,000 bee species in the world and the good news is that almost all of them are very docile. Bees will not sting unless they feel threatened so if you chase them around the house, trying to swat them, then you’re asking for trouble.

However, most bees that come into your home are likely looking for a viable way to get out. If they’re left alone then it’s very unlikely that they’ll sting you or even try to approach you in the first place.

How To Get Bees Out Of The House

If you find that you get a lot of bees coming into your home then there may be some things you can implement to stop this from happening in the future. I’ll discuss some of these methods below but first, I’d like to stress the importance of not trying to kill the bees using sprays or pesticides. While you might not want them in your home, they are important pollinators that should be protected at all costs.

The only time that I would recommend such a drastic solution is if you find a nest in a location where it could be dangerous. For example, sometimes, you may find nests around the home or garden in areas where children play. In these cases, you’ll want to deal with the problem as soon as possible and calling in a professional pest controller might be the only solution.

Determine The Number Of Bees

Before you start trying to deal with the bees, it’s a good idea to evaluate the situation. There may be some cases where you cannot handle things on your own and you may need to call for a professional.

The first thing you need to do to determine what your next steps should be is to try and figure out how many bees you have. In a lot of cases, you might just have one or two individuals which is great as you can guide them out of an open door or window and get on with your day. Even in the event that you have a small handful of bees, they can usually be dealt with in the same way.

However, some people notice that there is an alarming number of bees on the property and this can feel disconcerting. Before you try anything else, be sure to open all of the doors and windows. Remember that the bees are keen to get out of the home and, if given an easy way to do this, they’ll usually just fly away.

Where Are The Bees Coming From?

It is a good idea to check where the bees are coming from, especially if they are arriving in large numbers. While you may be able to get them out through the doors and windows, if there’s a clean entry point, they’re only going to keep coming back through it.

Take some time to assess your property and see if you can figure out where the bees are getting in. Is it something as simple as them coming through an open window or your kitchen vent? Perhaps there is some sort of damage to the outside of the house that’s allowing them to get inside.

If you’re sure that the bees are not getting in through doors, windows, or vents then you’ll need to take a walk around the outside of your home and look for any possible entry points. If you have a bee’s nest in the home then you’ll usually notice that there are large numbers of bees gathered in one particular spot.

In other situations, it might be that the hive or nest is nearby but not actually attached to your property. In this case, I would recommend following the bees to see where they go. They may be nesting in a nearby tree or outbuilding, in which case, you’ll be able to deal with this situation in its own right. Don’t forget that some bees nest in the ground and you’ll notice small piles of soil, usually with a pencil-sized hole in the top.

Are The Bees Aggressive?

Nine out of ten times, bees will show very few, if any signs of aggression. Most bee species are incredibly docile and will be reluctant to attack humans unless they feel as though they’re threatened.

That said, they can become more aggressive than usual if they feel as though their queen is threatened as one of their main purposes in life is to protect her. What’s more, if one bee stings you, it will send out an alarm pheromone to other members of the colony and more bees will arrive to defend it. If the bees in your home are showing any signs of aggression then I would not recommend handling the situation yourself.

While bee stings are not usually serious, some people have an allergy and this can be fatal in severe cases that are not treated. For this reason, it’s a good idea to contact a professional who will be able to use tried and tested methods that are 100% safe for you and your home.

How To Stop Bees Getting Into The House

It’s one thing to get the bees out of your house once they’re in there but wouldn’t it be much better for them to stay outside where they belong and not enter the home at all? Here are my top tips on keeping bees out of your house.

Use Screens

As I have discussed, bees often get into your home through open windows and doors. Of course, in the middle of summer, you want to have good airflow through the house so shutting everything isn’t really an option.

However, you can install screens across your windows and doors. You’ll still be able to have that fresh air flowing through but the screen will stop bees and other pests from getting inside.

Shop for door and window flyscreens:

Fix Holes

If you have inspected the outside of your property and noticed that there are any gaps or holes, it is vital that you block these as soon as possible. While they might look small, you’d be surprised at how easily a bee can fit through and it’s usually as simple as filling the hole with some caulk.

The only time that I wouldn’t recommend filling in a hole is if you know there is a nest already in your home. All you’ll succeed in doing is trapping the bees inside and they’ll soon get very irritated and aggressive.

Get Rid Of All Traces Of A Nest

If you have had a nest in the walls of your home then you’ll need to have this removed by a professional. However, it’s vital that you don’t leave any trace of the nest behind as this can attract bees back to the area. Not only this but if there is any honey left over, this can attract other pests like ants.

Nests In Your Chimney

In some cases, you might notice that bees are getting into rooms with a fireplace and that’s a clear sign that they’re coming in via the chimney. If there’s a nest in your chimney, it is not recommended that you try to fix this yourself as it can be a very dangerous undertaking.

Instead, you should contact a professional bee removal company who will be able to take care of the problem for you.

Keeping Bees Away From The Outside Of The House

One of the best ways to avoid bees coming into the house is to stop them from coming near the property in the first place. There are some things you can do in your garden to prevent unwanted bees without bringing any harm to them. It’s a win-win for everyone!

Choosing The The Right Flowers

It’s always nice to have an abundance of beautiful flowers in your garden but this is one of the best ways to attract bees. While I’m not suggesting that you avoid any flowering plant, I would recommend placing them as far away from the house as possible to deter bees from getting inside.

Things like poppies, lavender, honeysuckle, sunflowers, and clover are all bee-friendly flowers so if you’re looking to keep them away then it’s probably best to avoid these species. However, things like citronella and eucalyptus or even garlic will repel bees.

Don’t Create Suitable Nesting Spots

One of the biggest attractions for bees is a good place to nest. If your garden has an attractive spot then this is going to draw them in. Outbuildings can serve as an excellent place for bees to start a nest and if you’ve got open soil, log piles, or rockeries then these are also attractive spots.

Natural Methods

If you’re spending time in your garden then you’re naturally going to want to keep the bees at bay and away from yourself and your home. The good news is that there are lots of natural methods you can use to deter them and, if they’re nowhere near you, they’re not going to get inside your house.

You can try things like sprinkling cinnamon around the garden which bees hate the smell of or maybe crushed garlic. Some people like to rub a solution of baby oil and vanilla on their skin when spending time outdoors as this will effectively repel bees.

Avoid Leaving Food And Drinks Outside

Bees are attracted to sugary treats and they arrive in great numbers if there’s something that takes their fancy. Not only this but these types of food and drinks will also attract a whole host of other insects so it’s best to keep them indoors. If you have to have them outside then make sure they’re covered up!

What’s more, if there are any spills, it’s vital that you get these cleaned up as soon as possible. Things like fruit juice and soda can be hugely attractive to bees but even something like water will draw them in. The fewer bees you can attract to your garden, the less will get inside the house.

Final Thoughts

While bees are so important for our ecosystem and for pollination, they should be outside where they belong and in your home. Having to share your house with bees is never a pleasant experience but you might be wondering how are bees getting in my house.

Sometimes, it’s not immediately obvious how they’re gaining entry so it can take a little detective work. It’s then important to fix any holes and find ways to deter bees from your home and garden. Remember, the bees don’t want to be in your house either so it’s best for both of you if you can avoid it.